Sophie Bettex

Sophie Bettex

Sophie Bettex

Student / Programme Doctorate at D-GESS

ETH Zürich

Technologie und Governance

RZ F 8.1

Clausiusstrasse 59

8092 Zürich


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Sophie Maeva Bettex (born on the 20th of June 2000 in Morges, Switzerland) is a doctoral student at the Professorship for Technology and Governance at the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Science (DGESS, ETH). She is also an investigator at the CURATE Project (ERC/SERI Starting Grant), a European research project which investigates data quality in European law enforcement and border control agencies.

Sophie’s doctoral research focuses on the creation and continuous transformation of algorithmic and AI-driven policing tools within European law enforcement agencies. Her work utilizes multi-sited ethnography, following the journey of data from their production through various physical and digital spaces, to their eventual use in shaping policing practices and decision-making. By tracking how data flow, Sophie examines the perspectives and practices of law enforcement actors and other key stakeholders involved in the making and remaking of these technologies. Her interdisciplinary approach draws on critical criminology, sociology, critical data studies, science and technology studies (STS), and surveillance studies.

Sophie is deeply invested in exploring complex criminological phenomena and police practices through ethnographic and interdisciplinary lenses, incorporating insights from critical criminology, cultural and social anthropology, psychology, sociology, and critical studies. She holds a BSc in Psychology from Leiden University and a dual-MSc in Criminology from Ghent University (cum laude) and Erasmus University Rotterdam, where she completed the International Master's in Advanced Research in Criminology. As part of her master's, Sophie conducted an ethnographic research which investigated human trafficking and smuggling in Aruba, a region where the last trafficking prosecution had occurred over a decade ago.

Sophie has experience in conducting research with and collaborating with public, private, and IG/NG organizations, such as international, national and local law enforcement and border control agencies, ministries, tech firms, shelters and human rights organizations. Sophie’s work extends beyond research; she has also supported and worked with vulnerable individuals, including asylum seekers, the homeless, and survivors. 



Bettex, S. (2024). Counting Crime? A review on the production of crime data. CURATE Working Paper No. 3. ETH Library.

Bettex, S. (2023). Hidden realities on the ‘one happy island’: Perspectives on human trafficking, human smuggling, and irregular migration in Aruba. [Master’s thesis/Ethnographic work; Ghent University, Erasmus University Rotterdam (IMARC)]

Bettex, S. (2022). The toxic and troubling truth of e-waste: How can we effectively dispose of our electronic and electric waste? Deviance Incubator.

Bettex, S. (2021). The Effect of Inducing Shame Resilience on Avoidant Tendencies and Willingness to Contact in Individuals With Financial Hardships. [Bachelor’s thesis, Leiden University]


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